that was funny....karma karma karma!
that was funny....karma karma karma!
every one does love mario kart but im not sure theyll like this because....
the animation wasnt so good
i got tired of mario just launchin the F bomb at luigi the WHOLE time
luigis voice sounded like a 15 yr old nerd
and i got bored of watching it, so ya
i guess it was ok, you could change alot tho about I start with you?
it was really cool and a great idea but how did you come up with it?
pretty good
........not much mor to say accually....
It's pretty good i mean you could fix up the stuff at the end were it all pops(im guessing you just wanted the flash overwith) out like a random duck cause im tired and i dont feel so good when multicoulourd ducks jump out at me, but ill go easy on u and give you a 7 because in the time i have now i prolly cant do any better, good luck on yer next one!
Cant Get much beter so i cant really say anything u have to do different
I knew sum one was gonna drink it
but you could work on the animations
and it wasnt really that funny so try to change the music as well
You are one to talk. I have watched your animations and it is a tad shy of talent.
sure its ok
but how is it more like a game(omega1500)
Joined on 5/30/08